A board member plays a vital part of the AYBA program. The main role and responsibility of a Board Member is to set up and maintain a basketball venue for boys’ and girls’ grades 4 – 8 that is positive for individual and team development in the game of basketball.
Responsibilities include the following: (but not limited to)
• Attend monthly meetings.
• Follow Roberts Rules of Order.
• Discuss Board business at the meeting not after the meeting.
• Direct parents that are interested in Board business to attend a meeting or read the Board minutes.
• Contribute positively towards the Boards Mission.
• Take the time to thoroughly understand the topic so that is continuity among the Board when communicating. All board Members must be on the same page to avoid rumors.
• Support fellow Board Members at the meeting and after.
• Assure financial stability
• Provide guidance for coaches/team reps.
• Resolve concerns
• Help with registration, team set-up, tournaments, uniform sizing/ordering, practice schedules and gym time, etc.
• Coordinate and work the Albany tournament (Coordinate with school to use gyms, contact Albany Huskie Booster Club to collect gate, schedule time keeps, schedule referees, set up brackets, set-up concession stand, get food/volunteers, send out tournament invitations.
Resolving Concerns:
1. If the concern cannot be worked out between parties, a Team Rep may be used as an intermediary and try to work out some kind of agreement that both sides can live with.
2. If an agreement cannot be worked out, a Team Rep may be responsible for communicating the concern to the Board Liaison.
3. If the Board Liaison determines that the Board must get involved, the concern will be brought to the Board (involved parties may or may not be asked to attend).
4. The Liaison will present the concern to the Board. Once the board has listened to all the concerns, the parties involved (if present) and the team reps (if present) will be asked to leave. The board will discuss how the concern should be handled to best meet the goals and objectives of the association. The board will communicate their decision to Liaison who will update the concerned parties of the Boards’ decision.
5. The decision of the Board will be final.
6. Internal discussions regarding the conflict should be kept confidential within the Board.
Updated: August 14, 2019